
The world has changed dramatically over the advent of the Twenty First Century. Life has become more complex, more stressful and more demanding . We all face challenges and problems in our day-today lives and to overcome them successfully and courageously, apart from firm determination we require the assistance of some mechanism to resolve the issues. Thus, it had become imperative that our school also provide such medium to transmit information it has for the benefit of one and all.
The cardinal principle, on which the school was founded in the year 1975 by the founder president Shri D.R.Patel and Madam C.M.Patel, being “EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION “ – not merely academic excellences but in every sphere of life. Our aim, all along has not only been to develop the total personality of a child but also to transform him into a caring, collaborative and cultured individual so that he becomes a responsible citizen of the society and a valuable asset to the nation.After all from amongst these TINY TOTS the leaders and the pillars of the nation will spring-up tomorrow.
Each one of us has to perform our entrusted duty in the sphere of life in which we have been placed. Devotion to duty without attachment or desire of reward should be the aim of our lives.May God bless each one of the LITTLE FLORIANS.
Mr. Rajesh Kumar Dua
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