

011-22819356, 011-22803990, +918130956365

Q.1. What is the number of total seats at Pre-School level in Little Flowers Public Sr. Sec. School, for the session 2024-25?

A. The total seats at Pre-School level are 153.

A. The total seats at Pre-Primary level are 20.

A. You can register for admissions by visiting for online registration (to be submitted online)

A. No.

A. No. The form once submitted goes through rigorous scrutiny. Admission to Pre-School, Pre-Primary is done only on the basis of the guidelines and points criteria as prescribed by Directorate of Education.

A. The distance between the two locations (The school and the address mentioned in the address proof) will be calculated through Google Maps.

A. No. The candidate will be granted points under sibling category of point criteria if the elder real brother/ sister of the candidate is studying in Little Flowers Public Sr. Sec. School branch only.

A. Yes, a duly notarized affidavit for first born child on Rs10/- stamp paper has to be submitted. Click Here for specimen content of the affidavit.

A.Yes, we grant 30 days age relaxation with a request application.

A. No. The candidate will be granted points under sibling category of point criteria if the elder real brother/ sister of the candidate is studying in Little Flowers Public Sr. Sec. School branch only.

A. No. The candidate will be granted points under sibling category of point criteria if the elder real brother/ sister of the candidate is studying in Little Flowers Public Sr. Sec. School branch only.

A. No, you need to fill the registration form in one go only. There is no facility to save a partially filled form and complete it later on the school’s website.

A. For convenience, all kinds of online modes of payment can be used to pay the registration charges.

A. A unique registration number via e-mail,sms and on whats app (first id, first number as mentioned in the registration form) will be generated once you submit your form on the school’s website. Generation of this number indicates that your form has been successfully submitted.

A. Yes, incorrect or incomplete registration form will be subjected to rejection, the details of which will be shared over e-mail and SMS.

A. Yes, you can use any IOS/Android or windows phone using web browser (except internet explorer) to fill the application form.

A. For any child having special needs (physical/ psychological), the form should be accompanied with an application by a medical/ clinical practitioner. 

  1. The details can be seen only after the given date of declaration i.e.
  • On the school website
  • On the school notice board

A. The parents of selected candidates are required to visit the school fee office along with the original documents for verification and submission of fee as per the information highlighted on school notice board and website.

A. If a child’s name is not shortlisted under the first list of selected candidates, you may visit the school reception and fill a form to seek admission under Management Quota.

A. The timings will be from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

A. The admission process will close on 8th March, 2024.

  1. For any further queries/details, you may contact:
  2. E-mail-
  3. +91 7838394839
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