- To shape and mould child for successful living.
- To light in the little ones the flame of knowledge.
- To create in them ability of creativeness and desire to learn and to know all the things of universe.
- To lead the little ones from darkness to light.
- To build power and strength in our students to remain ahead of others in the race of life.
- To Provide sound learning and building of good moral character of children and youth.
- To bring about all-round development of the child to become better citizens of future.
- To build solid base of students by imparting physical education through games and sports to have healthy mind in healthy body.
To The students
- Be gentlemen , kind and friendly in and out of the school.
- Give helping hand to your family, neighbours and companions of the school.
- Respect the elders and love Youngers.
- Keep yourself healthy strong and active.
- Avoid vulgarity evil and idle gossip in your behavior.
- Be fair at play and true to your duty.
- Respect liberty and right of others for your freedom.
- Do everything good for the good name of the school.
- Your beauty lies in keeping your class-rooms and school premises neat and clean and not damaging school property.
- Running, playing or shouting inside the school building is strictly forbidden.
- Any damage to property whether of school or of its inmates must be made good.
- Perfect silence is to be observed in class, laboratory and in library.
- Take balanced diet and avoid junk food for a healthy body and mind.